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Richard Green

Richard Green

Richard Green

I started my archery life in 1983 by joining an archery club named DCA where I took my first
steps into becoming an archer, from there I have spent time in a variety of clubs, Harlow
Town, HNA and then on to start the Noakhill Archery Club with three other archers. My Co
founders drop out and I took the club forward for about 20 or so years until two years ago
when I decided to step down as Chairman and then joined Panther in Chelmsford.


- 1994 GNAS National Record for a Double American

- 1995 GNAS National Record for a National Round

- 1996 ECAA National 70m record

- Essex County Indoor Champion

- Essex Target Champs Champion several times both in the recurve and Veterans section

- Essex Fita Champs Champion

- National Indoor Championships 1993 finished 4th

- 2014
EBHC (France) VMFSR Gold Medal
NFAS 3D Silver
NFAS Nationals Bronze

- 2015
WBHC (Hungary) VMFSR Gold Medal
NFAS 3D Silver
NFAS Nationals Gold

- 2016
EBHC (Austria) VMFSR Gold Medal
NFAS 3D Silver
NFAS Nationals Bronze

- 2017
WBHC ( Italy) VMFSR Silver
EFAC (Germany) VMFSR Silver
NFAS 3D Gold
NFAS Nationals 4 th place

- Currently Held EFAA Veteran National Records
- Hunter Round 505
- Field Round 486
- Combination Round 490
- International Round 262
- Marked 3D Forester 805
- Marked Forester 785
- Marked Big Game 556
- 3D Marked Big Game 554
- Marked 3D Precision 486
- Unmarked Precision 3D 404

I have been successful to win many EFAA national championships competitions both indoor and
outdoor over the last 20 years

I have won many club open field and target competitions over my period in Archery.

I was part of the ECAA archery team and shot from 1993 through to 2010

Equipment List:
Win and Win Inno CXT riser

Win and Win MXT 10 limbs

Beiter pressure button

Sureloc sight

Wiawis side bar and long rod stabilisers

Easton Ace 470 shafts Xs spin wings or
Victory Vap 500 shafts with gaspro spin vanes

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