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Robyn Geddes

Robyn Geddes

Robyn Geddes

I began shooting in 2012 when I was inspired by the London Olympics.

I switched to compound in late 2014 and have been getting on very well with it since. I am a member of the Scottish Pathways Squad and have represented Scotland 9 times.

I have broken over 100 Scottish records in my time too!

Equipment List:
Bow: PSE Perform X 3D, Draw length 26 1/4” 48lbs

Arrows (Indoor): Easton X23 2314 with Beiter 19/2H nocks

Arrows(Outdoor): Easton X10 650 with bright green Arrowsocks wraps and Bohning ice vanes

Sight: Shibuya Ultima in silver

Scope: Mybo 10 zone

Stabilisers: ASESarchery Xpoise stabilisers 30” on the front and two 12” on the back. Vbar and front offset also by ASES

Release Aid: Truball Sweet spot pro and carter target 3+

Rest: Trophy Taker with Launchtec blade

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