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Mathews Zebra Hybrid CableMathews has now stopped making Zebra Hybrid Strings, Cables and Yokes - we have some stock left for some models but it is limited. What is showing in stock will be all black. If you can know longer find your model listed here, then you can order Zebra Trophy Strings, Cables and Yokes instead for yur bow. Replacement strings for the Mission range of bows. Zebra® Hybrid® utilizes an advanced blend of BCY® material designed and manufactured to create a top-of-the-line, hassle-free bowstring and cable that can be customized to fit anyone cam, two-cam, crossbow, or traditional bow you may have. Zebra® Hybrid® Bowstrings and Cables are pre-conditioned to guarantee no serving separation and tested to achieve the highest level of consistency and accuracy.
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Shipping costs are estimates, please click below for more information. Shipping Band A (£2.90) *All prices shown include UK VAT where applicable, for orders shipping overseas the UK VAT will be removed during the checkout stage. For overseas orders, you may get charged Local VAT and/or import fees once the goods reach your country.
Mathews Zebra Hybrid String £28.80 |
Mathews Zebra Trophy Cable From £35.04 |
Mathews Zebra Trophy Cable From £35.04 |
Ex-Display Zebra Cable £17.52 50% off WAS: £35.04 |
Mathews MATCH Cable £42.00 |